Flight Operations
Remote Control Helicopter

I have AeroQuest Infrared Control Armor Hawk and a FG Flight T77 r/c helicopters. The problem I am having is getting them to take off. I am testing them indoors and everything seems to be working. However, when the rotor-blades get up to speed, they both just get dragged along the carpet sideways, instead of taking off. What am I doing wrong?

Many thanks,


Hi, I have AeroQuest Infrared Control Armor Hawk and a FG Flight T77 r/c helicopters. The problem I am having is getting them to take off. I am testing them indoors and everything seems to be working. However, when the rotor-blades get up to speed, they both just get dragged along the carpet sideways, instead of taking off. What am I doing wrong? Many thanks, Brian![6567618aed8c4](serve/attachment&path=6567618aed8c4) ![656763aa39781](serve/attachment&path=656763aa39781)
edited Dec 1 '23 at 7:19 am
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